Tips on How to Heal Yourself While Going Through Divorce

Healing Rocks

Healing RocksLet’s face it, if you are in the process of getting a divorce or marital dissolution, your emotions are more than likely all over the place – and that is a perfectly normal reaction!

It’s like riding a rollercoaster during a tornado!

And more often than not, your emotional well-being needs to be healed along the way!

When using the collaborative divorce team, the healing can begin sooner than later.

One of the team members in a collaborative divorce is a divorce coach. This coach is a licensed mental health professional who works with couples to find effective ways to resolve conflict, improve communications, and begin the healing process.

Here are a few tips that our divorce coaches often share on healing during the divorce process:

  • Be kind to yourself, give yourself time to grieve the end of the relationship
  • Develop healthy eating and sleeping habits
  • Realize that sometimes a mental health expert is needed
  • Keep yourself away from emotionally negative and draining family and friends
  • Find ways to simplify your life
  • Learn how to use coping strategies throughout your day
  • Don’t use your child as a pawn – not only is this wrong for your child, but this will only increase your stress levels

It’s important to acknowledge your emotional needs in a healthy way and work through your emotions through the divorce process.

Our team of experts can help you and your spouse learn to move forward with your marital dissolution while emotionally healing yourself along the way.

The Collaborative Practice of San Diego is a nonprofit, multi-disciplinary referral network of independent professionals of attorneys, mental health professionals and financial advisors working together to learn, practice, and promote Collaborative processes for problem-solving and the peaceful resolution of family law issues, with an eye toward preserving the emotional, as well as the financial, assets of the family.

Contact us today to learn how collaborative divorce can help with your family’s emotional needs during the separation and/or divorce process.

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or medical advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, medical or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.

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